Sunday, April 26, 2009

Woodman Point, WA

25th April, Saturday. Having changed plans to go down to city for noodles, a search for woodman point, a point protruding out to the sea which is visible in Google Earth is commenced.

I thought it will be something that will capture my breath. Who knows it turns out to be a man made sea barrier, something similiar to that in Hillarys Boat Harbor. Well, let the pictures do the talking then.

2. Its actually a boat berth.... Clear waters?
3. A long stretch out to sea...
4. Detour-happenings in life....Knowing how to turn back means we'll be able to continue towards a longer journey...Else, ended in the waters.

-Notice the spots on the picture? Bloody dusts stuck on my lens..Luckily its not the image sensor after checking..
5. Carefree....
8. I've been on this for the past few days...
9. Part of my gear..
10. SB-600 + Sony CyberShot 2500mAh

Well, its another Sunday, another week has passed. I can hardly catch up with time lately. Being lazy and sick is my reason. I guess I'll need to find some stimulant to kick start my working mood!.. Coming assignment due is on the 1st May, 4 days from now!...Finished most of it and that's why you can see me crapping here..

There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy.
By being happy, we sow anonymous benefits upon the world.
~Robert Louis Stephenson~


Anonymous said...

hello there!
rei rei here..
love all the photos eh!