Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wake Up...

Day dreaming,
deviating from my intended path,
for the past 2 weeks,
It's finally the time to wake up,
Wake up from my dream,
A dream that is far impossible,
Too close to the word ridiculous.

I've taken the courage,
to make things clear.
I know this sounds ridiculous,
But thank you for being straight with me,
and having the generousity to accept my straightness.
Doubts are cleared,
you've awaken me from my dream.
Thank you.

If it wasn't for the time that doesnt comes right,
will things work out?
I really wonder.....

Whatever it is,
Thank you for still being a friend.
Perhaps I'm the one who is thinking too much,
Its lessons I've learnt from the past that makes me think this way.
Perhaps its true that I should really wake UP from this day dream,
and get on with life which I'm supposed to be doing with
and not hurting anyone more!

Stupid thoughts in the middle of the night yeah?