Sunday, March 08, 2009

Today 1 year ago...

8th March 2009.. Sitting at home reviewing some of the HSSE Training Matrix stuffs. Flipping through Incident management makes me recalled what happened exactly one year ago, 8th March 2008. Its not the day BN lost in the landslide, but its a tragedy that will always remind me of how Fatigue and the attitude of 'not my business' resulted in the lost of an innocent life on the road.

To know more about what happened, I'll have to refer to the posting I did exactly 1 year ago.

Let us all observe a moment of silence and let those cruel images remind us to be alert and responsible on the road.....

Its 1 year since Copta lost his life on the road....May you find peace in heaven and your family be blessed....So long Copta..