My days for the past week:
7/3/2008 :
Celebrated dad's birthday. This day was also the final push for parties, be it the governing or opposition, the voting day on the next day. After the celebration dinner, our whole family went off to join the DAP talk at Chong Lin. It was then dubbed the '10,000 audience talk' . By 9 something, cars are jammed from Jalan Tabuan up to Simpang Tiga flyover. We then managed to find a space to park and join in the talk. The talk was really spectecular.! Speakers are really very talented. and in addition, they are talking about people's problem.!.. No wonder they win.! Good job DAP!..
Its voting day. Too bad i didnt went to register myself as a voter. So be it. Early in the morning, it was raining, that's why i called it early since it was a nice morning to sleep... the phone of my house rang. Mum answered. From a distance, I can hear their conversation since my door is shut close. Her conversation makes me kinda worried. It seems that an accident had happened to one of my trucks. Sensing the trouble, I immediately jumped out of bed to ask what is happening.
Mum was then sitting on the chair of my living room upstairs, with my dad standing beside her. She said we needa get a recovery truck to recover cylinders which are scattered around due to the accident. Accident is reported by 3rd party passer by saying that it happened at km116, Kuching-Sri Aman road. Our truck collided with another 3 tonne truck...the each landed at each ditch opposite of the road.
Then, mum's handphone rang again. Her appearance began to change while she is on the phone. It was a fatal accident!!! One of my staff, the attendant has lost his life in the accident...OMG!...immediately i said, we better get up to the site fast.
Bathed, had breakfast and took away some food for the recovery workers, immediately we sped up to the site. Took us almost 2 hours to reach the accident site...As i just reversed out from the house, preparing to proceed to site, Kah Fye called...asking for mum's number...and I told him that we are proceeding to the site...He then asked me 'how long for u to reach the site??' that really makes me more nervous..He is testing our ER team competency!..On the way to the site, mum's phone just cant stop ringing...Officers from KL are all calling in to ask about the current situation! really does makes me panic as i am driving...I just cant afford to slow down for the whole journey...tried to keep a constant speed of 120km/h all along the way...and hell! was raining.. visility was bad...
Passing Simunjan slope, we started to slow down, in anticipation for the accident site....and there we go, driving while scanning.. and finally...!...the heart breaking view jus appear in front of me after we ascend a hill and begin our descend....
my heart was like squashed when i see the scene...Our truck, the trailer was landed in the ditch, sideways as it lean against the hill cliff. It front part is badly damaged, with the passenger side like cut into a slice...its really a scene words cannot describe...another truck, the 3 tonne truck was spotted landed in the ditch at the other side of the road... Owner of the trailer was already at the scene, co-ordinating recovery operations. My mission there: to shoot as many pictures of the site to facilitate accident investigation afterwards...2 Marketing executives are already at the site when we reached there....they are also playing their role as investigators...
Car was then parked by the road, in the grass area. Went down, armed with my camera, began shooting every possible angle of the scene....its really heart wreching to see the wreakage...glasses scattered all around...skid marks on the grass...totallly damaged trailer...cylinders scattered into the jungle.. mattress, bicycle, pots are all scattered around the scene. We were then told that the deceased's, Copta's body, was sent into Simunjan Hospital's morgue..and the injured driver, was sent to Serian hospital..
The Incident:
Trying to understand the incident, we asked those who arrived earlier. According to them, this 3 tonne lorry was parked there since 3am, without any hazard light and its safety triangle was placed jus behind the truck, with the rear bucket door hanged open, blocking the brake light reflector. The driver of this 3 tonne lorry abandoned the truck there due to low fuel and he went off to Serian, dono by what means. Our trailer, slammed into the back part of the 3 tonne lorry while he swevered to avoid the 3 tonne lorry after spotting it at close distance due to the heavy FOG at that area.
Recovery truck then arrived not long afterwards. We co-ordinate with the recovery team and then left for Serian hospital to interview the injured driver. It took us another 1 hour to reach Serian.
The Collapse of Human nature; extinction of 'humane heartedness:
According to the driver during the interview, when he was approaching that area, he was using high light. Due to the heavy fog he spotted in front of him, he then switched to low. Immediately after switching to low, he spotted the truck appear in front of him. Distance is approc 60feet from him. He was travelling at 50+km/h. He tried to avoid it by turning a quarter turn on his steering since he cannot brake due to the wet road and the close distance. Convert 55km/h to feet/sec, its 50.12 feet/sec. THis means he has only merely 1 second to react...!!! Normal person would have just rammed right into the small truck!... Unfortunately, the driver only manage to save half of the trailer. The passenger side was 'Sliced' by the bucket door of the 3 tonne truck. Without hitting the chassis of the trailer, it hit the 'soft spot' of the trailer, meaning parts without frames. The whole front body of the trailer, including the dashboard, collapsed, impacting the attendant's chest...trapping both legs and breaking the right one.
After the impact, the driver woke up and tried to wake the Copta( the attendant ) up....Copta managed to wake up...conscious...but moaning cause of the pain....the driver then tried to help Copta...but cant due to Copta's trapped leg...The driver then came down of the truck and reach for a metal pipe for opening tyre nuts and tried to free Copta's leg from the metals...and he managed to free it...He noticed the broken right leg of Copta...He then stop the bleeding by his towel...and the placed him at the bunk of the trailer... The driver comforted Copta, telling him help will arrive soon! as to keep him awake...he then came down from the trailer, waving passing by vehicles....some did slow down and watch, then just sped off as he wave!....what the fuck!... watch movie ar?... then he manage to stop a cargo truck, which then help him called us. sensing the attendant might be in danger due to the running engine, he stopped the engine from the fuel pump choke and then climbed up the trailer to reach to the attendant...the attendant now cried and moaned due to the severe internal injury...the driver then carried Copta down from the trailer and placed him sitting beside the trailer...he wanted to carry copta to the roadside but failed cause he himself has a dislocated knee-cap...and to reach to the road, he have to climb a 4 feet tall and 4 feet wide ditch the trailer is landed sad a scene is this!!!!!
by this time, the road side is filled with kampung people...he begged those people for help, asking them to send Copta to the nearest hospital, but they replied with " Tak tahu lar...; kesian lor; tak pandai;... apa boleh buat??!!" all sorts of rubbish answers!.... Fuck!...where is their human heart?? of seeing others dying due to suffering...!..God Dammn!! What to do? the driver then tried his best to wave down passer by...hoping to meet a good samaritan...he even went uphill...with his crippled leg...imagine a injured person, hoping and waving for help, while a whole road of spectators, heartless rubbish village folks watch him doing that...without even wanting to help.
The driver was then busy waving down vehicles, hoping to meet a good samaritan...too long he went..and when he went back to attend to Copta, trying to keep in awake, Copta has already left us....He dont even have a last chance to speak...lying dead in the ditch beside the sad this is!....
Malaysian Emergency Service: well known for its lateness!.. the accident happened around 6a.m. the by the time police and ambulance arrived, its 9.15a.m. It all came too late for Copta....and Copta died just because of a whole bunch of stupid moron heartless villagers and passer bys who refused to give a helping hand..
Simunjan Hospital Morgue:
Copta's relative is also one of our fleet driver, named Liew. He nearly collapse while working when he got to know the news....he then gathered their relatives and head to Simunjan hospital, hoping to get the body of Copta released, so Copta can be rested in peace.
We joined them, went up to Simunjan hospital. It was my first time driving into the town of Simunjan. Its 55km from the main road junction. And it takes me 2 more hours from Serian. Road condition is really like rally style, though tar road but its hilly.
I was so speechless when met with Liew and his family members...dono what to say... it was really very solemn, especially at the hospital. We were then told to get the police approval for the body to be released. It was already nearly 5.30p.m. when we were there. We then proceeded to the police station, with Copta's eldest son, only aging 18. A police report need to be lodged. Such an coincidence, the 3 tonne truck driver was also there lodging his report.
" Ada leh, saya ada simpan segi tiga leh, saya pun tidak tahu kenapa dia langgar..." That really gets me to my nerves as its audible since he was jus next door. If it was no in the police station, i would have beaten him up...even with safety triangles. Celaka...speaks as if he has done nothing wrong for parking right in the middle of the road. Both the truck driver and the owner tried to be relieved of any responsibility...cibai!...taukeh said that the truck was stole driven by not his driver, and the driver said that he worked for 3 yrs for the company dy...wad the heck...! ur car stolen no need report ar?? next time i burn ur car then also say ppl steal drive lar!...what the fuck...don so huai...!ram ur truck into bits then u noe...!...rampant parking till caused death still talk as if they have done nothing wrong...what the world is this...!
We then proceeded back to the morgue, waiting for the doctor to certify the cause of death....a police truck was then arranged to carry the body down to 10th mile, Copta's house. By the time we reach 17th mile, it was already 1130p.m. Only then i manage to have my dinner...
Visited the family on Sunday....Copta's family members was really so grateful for our help in getting the body released so fast...but one thing i cannot stand...till tears nearly fell, and my mum cried; when we were looking at Copta for the last time while he is in his coffin, his youngest son said: 'daddy is laughing', indeed, Copta looks very innocent his children is...i guess he doesnt know that daddy had left them forever....daddy is their only loved ones....their mum had divorced long ago...leaving them with their dad...and now that their dad had gone, they are made orphans...All these just because a truck parked rampantly..!!! WTF!!
Investigation teams then flew in from KL on Monday and Wednesday....
Investigation photos:

hye was really a heart trending post to still feel so so sad after reading it eventhough u had told me earlier..wasnt expect something like this the day i msg u...i feel so sorry for Copta's children..what happened back there make me wonder why reality is so can someone just ignore the accident or even slow down just to take a look but not willing to give a hand?! where is the logic and where is their conscience???what the really speechless when i heard the news form you and after reading in details of what had so sorry bout the lost of Copta...he may just wont die like that if somebody..just anybody who have the heart to stop and send him to the nearest hospital...damn it!!that's a life!!! a life which cannot be replaced in the heart of Copta's children...sien ah...human are creature created by God..we are different from the other creatures such as the animals or the plant..we have a heart with feelings and emotions, a brain to think and act....what is wrong with those people??lost your heart??or i guess lost your brain also!!!
to all those who are reading this post, i hope you guys really read it with your heart and ask yourself what will you do if one day you are in this kind of situation??How will you feel if you are in Copta's shoes???pass the message around to your friends and please...just please..have a heart to give a hand to those in need!!your rewards will be great in heaven..God bless everyone...God bless Copta and i pray that his soul will rest in peace...
really sad when i read the whole thing. newspaper didnt write clearly they just mention nobody wanted to help the attendant. i must say the whole bunch of kampong people are just like shit. one day if something similar happened to themself, i would be the first to congrats lah...
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