Sunday, November 05, 2006

Tristan + Isolde > Love is made by God, Ignore it and You will suffer as you cannot imagine..

Before Romeo and Juliet, there was Tristan & Isolde...The tale of Tristan and Isolde is probably a Celtic romance in origin, with incorporated details from other (later) sources. Due to the expansive number of versions written throughout the ages it is difficult to incorporate every version into one simple summary. It is important to understand that the myth of Tristan and Isolde was not represented by one unified story with an established sequence of events. Rather, there were multiple versions from across Europe. The existing stories are episodic rather than presenting one continuous and complete narrative. Different works recount different incidents in which the enemies of the lovers plot against them, the lovers contrive to meet, get caught together, and manage to extract themselves. Nevertheless, the fundamental, basic premise of all the stories can be seen as the same:
The outline of the story, collected from many different sources, is as follows:
Meliadus (Rivalin, or Roland Rise) was Lord of Lyonesse (Ermonie, or Parmenia), and after warring for some time against Morgan, he entered into a seven-years' truce. This time of respite was employed by Meliadus in visiting Mark, King of Cornwall, who dwelt at Tintagel, where he was holding a great tournament. Many knights of tried valor hurried thither to win laurels, but none were able to unhorse Meliadus, who obtained every prize.
His courage was such that he even won the heart of Blanchefleur, the sister of the king. As the monarch refused to consent to their union, the young people were secretly married, or eloped, if we are to believe another version of the story.
A film really worth watching..some may enjoy and some may find it to be quite boring...for me, its a film of high quality...worth watching..enjoy...
A phrase from the film : Love is made by God, Ignore it and You will suffer as you cannot imagine..