Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Management Exam...Convo week..

Management, my minor subject.. Will be having exam later this day at 3.30p.m. went back to hostel quite early these few days instead of staying in lab to read up for this exam..reading instead of facing the com..Its quite an interesting subject to learn... teaching us how to manage ourselves, not only businesses and being a star manager... some of the facts inside there are things which i have get to know when i was helping out at dad's company.. haha.. kinda same repeating story.. Sixth Sigma..have read the book for a few times and i think tats it.. first time taking this kinda exam so dunno how the question will look like.. somehow, i find tat i am more interested in this kinda subjects.. management, political science, histories...jus wondering why i landed myself in computer science where i have to wrote codes and programs everyday... assignments never ending.. finish one, there comes the next one for the same subject.. Jus got one which requires us to open up a computer, identify the parts and write report and drawing of it.. asking the lecturer to provide us with a computer so tat we can actually open up, she gave us an Pentium MMX eh!! old ancient computer.. even me also dunno wad the hell is is all about.. GIve me at leaast a P3 of P4 eh!! MMX... really gives me headache now.. anyway, still have to figure out wad is the architecture of it.. maybe from the net kua.. so used to opening P2,P3,P4, never opened up an MMX before though i used to have one.. next week will be a happening week in USM.. Convocation Week!!.. lots of happenings here.. looking forward towards it.. though got assignments due tat week my friends out there, take good care of urself.. jus read Ida's blog, and to Ida, take GOOD care hor..!! don get fever or sick again eh..mus take good care of urself k..