Monday, May 25, 2009

Malaysia TUrned intO a Brutal POlICe State!!

Watch the video below...Waseh..The BrickFields OCPD acts as if he is a Black Triad Head!..Wear HEAD HUNTERS shirt somemore! really think you hunt heads ar??!Wad Akta police bullshit...Perhimpunan Haram..! BULLSHIT!

Next time Police says you kumpul haram in such situation, don give a shit.. You dont even know the person standing next to you! How can you call that an assembly??! If thats an illegal assembly, then when your mother buying vegatable at the market is also considered as illegal assembly ler!!! MORON!!FUCKING POLICE! 

Spend more of your time catching thieves instead of catching activists! Bloody wasting people's money. We pay you to make our daily life peaceful, not to catch up in order to protect this undemocratic ruling! FUck OFF! Continue like tat, the people wont stand still... We'll take back the rule once we are mad enough! Burn down these fucking police station or your sleeping barracks...

Yeah..Malaysia Boleh...! Semua BOLEH! Look at the May 7 Perak DUN sitting...We are really capable already in doing all sorts of monkey shows!!