The RM600 million question: Can money belongs to the people channeled to Umno divisions?
Those who have watched TV3 News at 8pm on 13 November 2006 would remembered that the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has announced to the press immediately after the closed-door Briefing to Umno delegates (before the Umno Assembly), that he has decided to allocate RM3 million each to all Parliamentary divisions (he did not specifically said it was only for the Umno divisions) for rural development. But he said the money adds up to about RM600 million, which tallied with the total number of UMNO divisions in the country, i.e.191. (191xRM3m=RM573m). The news was also reported in The Star, Utusan Malaysia and other newspapers on 14 Nov 2006.
Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak followed by saying that this RM600 million will be added to the Ninth Malaysian Plan budget, on top of the allocation of RM1.5 billion for rural development. But any amendments or additions to 9MP must be done by Parliament during the mid-term review. This RM600 million allocation was not even approved by the Cabinet let alone the Parliament.
This matter was raised by Salahuddin bin Ayub, the PAS Member of Parliament for Kubang Kerian on 15 November 2006 and the official reply he got from the government is that the money will be managed by the government and not by the Umno division heads. ( DR.15.11.2006 Page 35). This is a lie!
Before we go deeper, please read the letter from Deputy Works Minister dated 13 November 2006:
13 November 2006
Ketua Pengarah Kerja Raya
Ibu Pejabat JKR
Tingkat 5, Blok F
Kompleks Kerja Raya
Jalan Sultan Salahuddin
50582 Kuala Lumpur
u/p: YBhg. Dato' Ir. Mohamad Razali Othman
YBhg. Dato'
Perlaksanaan Projek Kecil Kawasan Parlimen di Semenanjung Malaysia dan Sabah
Dengan segala hormatnya saya ingin menarik perhatian YBhg. Dato' di atas pemgumuman YAB Perdana Menteri pada 13 November 2006 di Putra World Trade Centre.
2. Untuk makluman YBhg. Dato', YAB Perdana Menteri telah mengumumkan pelaksanaan projek-projek kecil di Semenanjung dan Sabah dengan nilai keseluruhan RM600 juta (Ringgit Malaysia Enam Ratus juta). Pecahan kecil untuk setiap kawasan Parlimen adalah sebanyak RM3 juta (Ringgit Malaysia Tiga juta) dan projek ini perlu dilaksanakan dalam tempoh 2 bulan.
3. Sehubungan itu, saya memohon kerjasama YBhg. Dato' untuk mengambil tindakan proaktif bagi melaksanakan arahan YAB. Perdana Menteri melalui JKR Daerah dengan mengarahkan seluruh Jurutera Daerah mengadakan perbincangan dengan pemimpin tempatan bagi penentuan kerja dan lain-lain.
4. Segala kerjasama dan tindakan segera YBhg. Dato' atas perkara ini diucapkan ribuan terima kasih.
Yang ikhlas,
(signed by: DATO' Ir. MOHD ZIN MOHAMED)
1. YAB. Dato' Seri Abdullah Hj Ahmad Badawi
Perdana Menteri Malaysia
2. YB. Dato' Seri Samy Vellu
Menteri Kerja Raya
3. YB. Senator Tan Sri Dato' Nor Mohamed bin Yakcop
Menteri Kewangan II
Now, please note the salient points in the letter above:
1) The letter is dated 13 November 2006, TWO days before the Parliament session of 15 November 2006.
2) The letter is dated 13 November 2006, the SAME DAY that Abdullah Ahmad Badawi announced the matter at the Umno briefing in the Umno headquarters. In fact, the letter was prepared BEFORE Abdullah made the announcement that same day.
3) The letter is signed by the Deputy Minister of Works and copied to the Prime Minister, Minister of Works and the Finance of Minister II (meaning the Deputy Minister of Works has overridden those above him -- but could have done so only if someone ABOVE the Minister of Works and Minister of Finance II gave him that authority to do so).
4) The amount to be implemented is RM600 million as announced by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on 13 November 2006.
5) The implementation must be completed within two months (meaning the RM600 million must be utilized by middle of next year). The Contract & Quantity Survey Unit at Jabatan Kerja Raya has since prepared and sent a document titled " Kertas Konsep Tatacara Pelaksanaan Program Projek Luar Bandar Tahun 2006) to all Umno divisions in the country.
6) Sarawak is NOT included in this scheme because Sarawak does not have an Umno presence.
7) The RM600 million is only for Umno and will be managed by the Umno division leaders.
8) RM3 million will be allocated to each of the Umno divisions (less Sarawak which does not have any Umno divisions).
9) The letter confirmed the RM600 million on 13 November 2006 but two days later, on 15 November 2006, Parliament was told: Kementerian belum lagi dimaklum tentang 600 juta yang ingin dikemukakan kepada projek-projek luar Bandar.
10) And it is government money but for Umno's use as what Parliament was told: 600 juta ini adalah diberi oleh duit kerajaan Barisan Nasional dan bukan duit UMNO.
This is of course a blatant lie and Parliament has been misinformed. The money will not be managed by the government but will be managed by the Umno division heads. How one could explains why there is no single ringgit allocated for Sarawak ? If there is an Umno division in Sarawak , they certainly would not be left out. In this case, the engineers in the Works Ministry are being used to legalize the RM600 million funding for the 191 Umno divisions.
The reason they lied to Parliament is simple. The RM600 million is government funds but it is going to be channeled to Umno for party purposes.
This is a form of money politics and it is of course illegal. We Malaysians have no control over such practice of vote buying in Umno but we certainly do not accept that money belongs to the rakyat be used by Umno leaders. All money belongs to the Government belongs to the rakyat. We have no reasons to sustain the patronage system in Umno with our money.
The RM600 million allocated for rural development has not been discussed and approved by the Parliament. It has not even been approved by the Cabinet. The way public money being handled in this case is unlawful. How can a prime minister who always talks about trustworthiness, integrity and corrupt-free administration do this to Malaysians?
We urge the Cabinet to withdraw the plan and make sure no money belongs to the rakyat be channeled to Umno and other Barisan Nasional component parties. Money belongs to the people must go back to the people instead of robbed or hijacked by rich and undeserved Goverment politicians.
We warn Umno leaders not to misuse and abuse Government fund for its political agenda. We will lodge a police report tomorrow on the matter so that the police could start an investigation and put a stop to such act of money politics.
Letter from Deputy Works Minister
Parliament Hansard DR.15.11.2006 Page 35.
Kertas Konsep Tatacara Pelaksanaan Program Projek Luar Bandar Tahun 2006.
Is Sarawak part of Malaysia?? I WANNA ASK??!!! Does a father feeds only 12 of his 13 childrens? Leaving out 1 to starve to death?
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The RM600 million scandal; Sarawak NOT included in funds allocation jus because UMNO is not in SARAWAK??Is Sarawak part of Malaysia?
Posted by
6:08 PM
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