Friday, July 24, 2009

Last night in Kuching

        The calmness of the sea during sunset

Sitting in front of the laptop, looking back at these pictures that I've taken during the holidays, its really a reminder of how fast time flies, how not permanent things are in life.

Instead of going out for a last drink with friends, I've took the decision to stay back at home and spend the night in the warmness of being at home. 

During this period of a month's holiday, much were done and much were undone as well, be it planned or unplanned. 

Planned work were only half done, with the other half undone. I guess its homework at Perth and sending it back.

I felt bad that time spent with friends this time was drastically less. Less meeting up and drinking sessions. Only 2 trips were made with no full attendance though. Mt. Singai climb and Bako National Park + DUN night shooting were among the activities. Besides these, I've got quite an interesting fishing trip with dad and his friend. Pictures will be posted up later.

I'm just so confused about life now.....More to come tomorrow as I've got plenty of transit time at Changi.

Leaving Kuching for Perth 1100hrs tomorrow and I wont be back till late February 2010. Till then..