Well, not long from now, I will no more be around, leaving my parents and also what I am used to do all these while. Wonder how life would be over in Perth...Peaceful? Can I stand that 'nothing to do' life? I really wonder...
As for this month, it is really a month well spent..I went for June Camp before my finals, help out in Min Soon 33rd Anniversary just 1 night before my finals exams. Mountain Santubong climb on the following week just after my finals exam...AND, next destination, Mount Kinabalu climb, then depart to Perth!.. whoa...what a packed monthly schedule...It really feels like I have not enough time to spend...
One last thing I did for Min Soon before I leave...vehicle rollover prevention training and, with Ida's help, yearly first aid refresher course... Thanks again Ida...Owe u heaps...
One thing I appreciate is the bond of friendship I have with all my buddies...Although time spent together may not be as long as before, but I believe quality time is rather better than quantity of time. Only with the test of time, we can know how true a frienship is..and now, its proven to me. Some are long time friends, we can still talk like no tomorrow although its been ages since we last met. Well, this is life I supposed...everyone has to get on with life...Let the past be in our memories..things and experience we had before, all be in our photo memory so we may flip thru when we are to think of those good old days...
All the best everyone!...