Ladies and gentlemenCitizens of Malaysia
Why did I criticise the Prime Minister?
Because no one else is able to criticise the Prime Minister. He cannot be criticised by his Deputy, his Cabinet Ministers, Umno Supreme Council members, Menteri Besar, Chief Ministers, Members of the Dewan Rakyat, Members of the Senate, Members of the State Legislative Council, Umno members at all levels, Government Officers and anyone from royalty to beggars.
The mainstream media including radio and television are not allowed to admonish the Prime Minister. Pre-paid telephones are now required to be registered so that anyone who transmits SMSes will be known by the Government and action can be taken.
The Internet and the websites will be electronically bugged and action taken against anyone who criticises the Prime Minister.
Anyone who attempts to hold any function that may involve criticising the Prime Minister will be harassed and threatened by the police and Government leaders to force them to cancel the function.
I myself have been blocked using all sorts of means to stop me from criticising the Prime Minister.
1. I cannot be invited by Umno, non-government organisations, associations of government officers or non-government officers, universities or any other institutions.
2. Umno members and the public are prevented from and advised against attending any functions or meetings where I am to speak.
3. All sorts of threats are meted out by police and political leaders to scare anyone who refuses to comply.
4. Every time anything that involves the public takes place, the Deputy Prime Minister and certain other quarters will forcefully advise that any criticism, comment or debate should stop.
Actions that are taken or threatened to be taken include sacking, transfer to remote areas like in Sabah, retraction or cancellation of contracts, harassment by the banks, call-up by the police, the Anti-Corruption Agency and other government enforcement agencies, detained and interrogated repeatedly.
A climate of fear has enveloped this country.
No one dares to comment, criticise or oppose anything that is done by the Prime Minister.
In a situation where no one can criticise the Prime Minister, I have to voice my criticisms on matters that do not concern my personal being, but only those that concern the interest of the religion, race and country.
Because of this, I am abused by the Prime Minister's henchmen including component party leaders, the mainstream media that is controlled by Kali and Brendan and all other government apparatus.
The questions and issues I have raised have not been answered. What is being questioned is my right to comment and criticise. Attempts are made to disparage me so badly that I am made out to be of unsound mind. Repeatedly, allegations were made that the administration during my time was worse.
Their media make out that my criticisms of the Prime Minister are despicable and reprehensible.
Muslims should know that even the Imam can be corrected by those he leads in prayers if he reads or does something wrong.
Saidina Abu Bakar, Islam's first Caliph, had asked to be corrected if he did something wrong, not by foreigners but by the Muslims themselves.
But the current Prime Minister cannot at all be commented upon, criticised or advised. He is almost a saint who is free from any human weaknesses or wrongs.
My meeting with him should be kept secret from the rakyat. And because we have met, I can no longer criticise whatever is done by the Prime Minister.
Because of my statement that I would continue criticising if something that is not good for the religion, race and country is done by the Prime Minister, all sorts of condemnations and insults are thrown by these hatchetmen and the mainstream media towards me.
Because all avenue for criticising the government has been shut, therefore I am forced to come up with this written statement so that it is not spun by anyone.
Sincerely,Dr Mahathir bin MohamadMalaysian citizen and commoner
Oct 27, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
An Open letter by Tun Dr Mahathir
Posted by
5:25 PM
Monday, October 23, 2006 not tat easy as it looks...complicated...
Life...a journey that we are bound to go thru in this lifetime of us...though it is up to us to make it as wonderful, peaceful, sorrowful as it is, somehow, things just doesnt looks easy as we are able to handle it...things doesnt always turn out to be the way we wanted it to be...we are bound to make mistakes...we are of one is perfect in this world..except Almighty God, the creator of all beings.. sometimes, making decision maybe hard for it speaking out something, or making a decision on something...every action we take, there is a consequences that follows...things may just happen for good or for worse just for a word we had used or a sentence we might have really isnt that easy...Its like calm waters having preying crocodiles in it..Life is not just as it looks like from the surface...when we start diving into it, realizing things in depth, we are bound to find out facts that we would not want to believe, cant take it as a fact...but thats life...for good or for worse, we are bound to such things...each of us are faced with various problems....might looks same genereally, but they are of total difference when we begin to take things seriously...sadness, happiness, joy, contentment, disappointment, anxiety are among feelings that are with me since i came back from USM, Penang...really wondering why is all these happening to me..but its an lifetime experience though...should learn..learning is a lifelong process...though through the journey we are bound to failures...Its not the number of successess we archieve throughout the journey that counts...its how many times we climb up, stand up and say 'Its Ok' , and the courage to continue on that counts..As for me now, I am really hoping that things that i faced with now is correctly dealt with decisions that i have made... actions that i have taken...I know that somehow i might look to be too much..overstepping some people, but i just cant see work undone like tat...i really don mean to hurt or overstep anyone here...God knows..can sense turmoil is boiling, soon unrest...God bless then...i am just doing what i can, what i think i am supposed to do..though i am unsure if it is? hope things will jus be fine as it is...wadever it is, problem just need to be solved from the root point solving problems created by the root cause all the will always be there... solving it in a harmonic way is what i ever wished...i do not wan anyone hurt in this...God Bless..
Posted by
8:56 PM
Friday, October 20, 2006
Are You Watching Closely? What you see might not be wad is looks...
Are you watching closely?
Posted by
7:40 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Family Reunion...
Family Reunion....
Family of mine...big it my uncle, granduncle..everyone...many of them parted when they were very World War 2, some are landed in Singapore, some still remains in China and for which my dad and my grandpa came to Malaysia..a place they call 'Nam Jong'...or southern hakka...7 of them this time...3 of them from Singapore, 4 of them from China, Hopoh China to be more dad..taking ships, or junk to be more specific, my dad and my grandpa embark on a voyage that took them driftin on the sea for around 2 weeks...finally some reached Sarawak, and some of my granduncle arrived in Singapore...some around 1940, and my dad came here around 1950s...a pure chinaman, born in the fake granduncle, to this day is 83 years old, lives in Singapore...visits us as we had four more relatives from China, my dad's brother or uncle, i am also not so sure..came we had a grand reunion...after being parted for so long, by such far distances, across Oceans...felt so glad tat they are able to have this kind of reunion of such age...some of them is already 80+...imagine that..they still can walk like a young man, speak loudly and have a clear mind...its really something to be proud of...wondering if i can live to that age with such health...some of them even fought the Japanese army before..especially my granduncle from Singapore...fought the Japanese with the Guerilla team before...slapped hard by the army on his face, his one side of ear is injured minorly and he sometimes felt the pain now...40-50+ years of seperation, playmates when they were young, they were really glad, really really glad to see each other this have such a reunion is really a rare chance...its by God's will they can have it...they talked bout their past life, life when they were young..those not in China were asking those whom were in China but cant make it here this time cos of age, esp an old lady whom is 97 yrs old today, whom still have a clear mind...but dare not take plane..due to age..this period of time is really some great period for me..makes me realize how lucky we are to live in a peaceful generation...without war..imagine seperated with our love ones jus cos of war like them...what would life for us all look like if we were to live in their generation??i dare not imagine...when is their next time for the next reunion?? no one knows...only God knows...cos most of them are ageing already...80+ some of them...can feel the joy, gratefullness within themselves...though i am not directly in it...this may be the first reunion for some.. and to some, we really wonder when will be the is short, full of episodes..never knowing what is going to happen in the next...keep on wondering, staying strong keeps us alive...shutting ourselves down, losing hope eliminates the possibility of viewing the next... its up to us to decide...older ppl like them really have a strong will to live on...drifting a foreign land, even language is a problem to them, they still can archieve wad each and everyone has today is really a great one...for us, living in our comfort zone, if we still fail to project ourselves, bring ourselves to the peak of life, it is really something to be ashame be sorry for...God bless all of them with good health...and also possible such reunion near future...its also a reminder that life is short..
Posted by
6:32 PM
Friday, October 13, 2006
Words....Somehow speaks...
~ Sweet words are easy to say
sweet things are easy to buy
but sweet people like you are difficult to find
~Life ends when you strop dreaming
hope ends when you stop believing
love ends when you stops caring
& friendship ends when you stop sharing
~To love without condition
to talk without intention
to give without reason
& to care withou expectation
is the heart of a true friend....=)
Posted by
1:26 PM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Posted by
12:26 AM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Haze In Kuching....Stuffy, Hot weather...
Haze....caused by foreign particles clogging the air... and foreign particles comes from open burning of forests, plantations around us.. not only Indonesia, even in our own dont just blame Indonesia...well.. think photo's quite clear..first one, cant even see saberkas while in a clear day, it is clearly seen.. second photo? can hardly see Wisma Mahmud, Riverrine Condo and the rest of da buildings that we normally see clearly in a clear day... everyday is like evening here in is covered with dusts.. masks business are making a lot now i think... API has reached 198 on Sunday, flights were diverted.. hell of haze... no one to blame.. this is the consequences of human developement..Global warming, El Nino are all effect of global warming.. rising ocean level threatened low lying nations like Bangladesh...Malaysia is hit by drought, haze while merely jus nearby, same continent, in Vietnam, it is hit by typhoon... extreme weather may be the word to describe all these..we want advancement, we have to face the consequences caused.. and all these are it.. whatever it is, lets all hope that huge amount of rain wil come and bring this hazy days to an end... its really very uneasy to live with it...disgusting..
Posted by
7:06 PM
Monday, October 02, 2006
Happy 20th BirThDay ArDen AnG...!!
this time its kinda a late posting..ArDen's birthday is on 17th September, and its now half a month late for the posting...Dinner was at Top Spot, then continue on to Iguana for cake cutting and also singing.. nite was fun like hell, arden even have 4 girls whom we don noe singing him happy birthday.. haha.. its so nice to have Alvin with us, a good friend, whom now is in UK dy.....think for now pictures speaks better than words..view then.. Happy Birthday Arden..
Posted by
11:46 PM